In addition to our program for bilingual learners
We welcome children to this class whose German is not fluent enough to participate in our regular classes in Overbrook or online, and/or children who are interested in learning German in a friendly environment.
For the school year 2024/25 we will continue to offer this class in the online format.
Registration is now open for these classes.
German for Beginners (grade 3 and older)* - 60 minutes
either Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4.15-5.15pm
Teacher: TBD
German for Beginners Classes start either September 17 or 19, 2024
German for Advanced Beginners* (grade 5 and older) - 60 minutes
German for Advanced Beginners Classes start Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Teacher: Antje Bussiek
Small group size: 4-7 participants
30 days of classes
* ENROLLMENT NOTE: German for Advanced Beginners: For participants of Kirsten's 2023/24 class or other more advanced students, 5th grade and older. If you are a new student intersted in this class, please contact us prior to enrollement.
Please contact us at for further information.
Interested families with younger children:
We would like to offer an in-person class but lack a suitable teacher to teach it.
Contact us if teaching this class is your calling!