Einsteiger - German For Beginners

In addition to our program for bilingual learners 

We welcome children to this class whose German is not fluent enough to participate in our regular classes in Overbrook or online, and/or children who are interested in learning German in a friendly environment.


For the school year 2024/25 we will continue to offer this class in the online format. 



Registration is now open for these classes.



German for Beginners (grade 3 and older)* - 60 minutes

either Tuesdays or Thursdays from 4.15-5.15pm

Teacher: TBD


German for Beginners Classes start either September 17 or 19, 2024




German for Advanced Beginners* (grade 5 and older) - 60 minutes

German for Advanced Beginners Classes start Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Teacher: Antje Bussiek


Small group size: 4-7 participants

30 days of classes


* ENROLLMENT NOTE: German for Advanced Beginners: For participants of Kirsten's 2023/24 class or other more advanced students, 5th grade and older. If you are a new student intersted in this class, please contact us prior to enrollement. 



Please contact us aphillykinder@gmail.com for further information.



Interested families with younger children:
We would like to offer an in-person class but lack a suitable teacher to teach it. 

Contact us if teaching this class is your calling!





Unterrichtsort 2024/25:

Ardmore United Methodist Church (AUMC)

200 Argyle Road

Ardmore, PA 19003

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